The Summoning of Pert Pegasus


PERT (adjective)

Bold in speech or behavior, saucy, stylish, chic, lively, sprightly, & clever


On a glorious spring day, in the year 2022, in the shiny city of Dallas, Texas (after the apocalyptical fiery, shit storm of 2021), the brain-baby of an average domestic goddess boldly appeared in a legendary puff of rainbow sprinkles and shimmery golden glitter. She was unquestionably the most divine creature the goddess had ever laid eyes upon. The goddess proclaimed in awe, “You are soooo PERT!” The creature shook out her illustrious turquoise mane, and cleverly responded, “Well, of course, my lady! I am nearly Pert-fect! I am, the one, the only, Pert Pegasus.”

The mythical creature gracefully bent her knee and lowered her neck to allow the goddess on her back. She stretched out her fluffy wings, gazed toward the heavens, and confidently took flight. On this euphoric first flight, Pert Pegasus shared her dreams with the goddess:  spreading ridiculous, pee-in-your-pants joy, and inspiring a uniquely bold, and saucy spirit of adventure. If you adore mind-blowing food, life-changing experiences, traveling to far-off lands, and a touch of the ridiculously absurd, then simply jump on for a ride.  Pert Pegasus is ready to take you on the adventure of a lifetime.